177 Frontier Park Dr.
O'Fallon, MO 63366

Dear League Bowlers,
It is with mixed emotions that we write to inform you of an important development regarding the future of our bowling alley. It is NOW official, the bowling alley is under contract as of March 8th, 2025. The final day of operation will be Friday, March 28th, 2025 when we host the Missouri State Special Olympics Tournament.
As many of you know, the bowling alley has been on the market for over a year, but now, after much consideration, the decision has been made to sell the bowling alley to a buyer who intends to use the building for another purpose. As a result, the facility will be closing its doors in the coming weeks. This truly marks the end of an era. The ever-increasing prices of food, liquor, soda, electricity, water, labor, insurance, lane oil, bowling pins, and much much more are all contributing factors in this decision. We have tried our best to keep price increases for food, bowling, drinks, and league fees all to a minimum, but we still can’t keep prices at a level that you deem acceptable. Being a small family-owned business, without a large storage space we simply cannot order large enough quantities to get large discounts. All of those factors, along with a strong offer from the buyer made this decision a little more bearable for us, but it still wasn’t easy. Our preference really was to sell to someone who would keep it a bowling alley but that simply did not materialize.
We understand that this news may come as not so much of a shock due to lack of privacy and confidentiality. We wanted to give you as much notice as possible, but nothing was official until we came to an agreement with the buyer, and signed the paperwork March 8th, 2025. We want to assure you that we are doing everything possible to ensure a smooth early end to your league. The last day of each league is listed below. If you have any personal items or equipment stored at the alley, please be sure to retrieve them before the closing date. Any personal items left after March 28th, 2025 will be disposed of.
Tuesday Morning Ladies: 3/25/25
Tuesday Night Mixed: 3/25/25
Wednesday Night Mixed: 3/26/25
Thursday Morning Seniors: 3/27/25
Thursday Night Men: 3/27/25
Friday Night Mixed: 3/21/25
Saturday Morning Youth: 3/22/25
We wish you all the best in your future bowling endeavors!